If Only FTX could use the Fed's Accounting

Imagine Sam Bankman-Fried, who sits in jail for the bankruptcy of FTX. Unless Bankman-Fried receives a pardon from the President, he is scheduled for a 25-year stay in jail on a fraud conviction. But, it appears FTX creditors will be made whole plus interest.

Comstockery Returns to America

I’m sure you’re thinking this bill has no shot. But, it is Mississippi, and he may get bipartisan support. The deep thinking Democratic senator said,  “I am trying to figure out when it is OK for the government to dictate what you do in the privacy of your own home. Apparently, it is when the laws regulate men.”

Regulate and Pretend

There were over 14,496 FDIC-insured U.S. banks in 1984. As of June 30 2024, the number had decreased to 4,539. Three regulators fighting over fewer than a third of the banks that were operating 40 years ago. Thousands of regulators overseeing bankers pretending bad loans are good. The status quo. 

Good and Hard

They believe democracy allows them to vote for lower prices and higher wages. Not hardly. Inflationism was put in place long ago, making some people winners and some people losers.

Section 2.10: Remonetizing the Treasury’s Gold

In a piece published in mises.org I outline a way Trump could do just such a thing which was outlined by financial analyst Luke Gromen in his conversation with Forex Analytics Dale Pincerts. Pincert worries that Trump (or Harris) would use an Executive branch to devalue the US dollar overnite. He asked Gromen if there is such a mechanism, which was the thrust of my piece, which I reproduce below.

Tiger and Joe: Don't Know When to Quit

Tiger responded to Monty by pointing out that as a past champion he’s exempt from qualifying until he’s 60 and has the luxury of making the decision whether to play, unlike Monty who never won the Open and doesn’t have that automatic spot. He would have to qualify. Joe, similarly, has all the delegates to be the Democratic nominee and therefore it’s his decision whether to run or quit.